Friday, April 29, 2016


Everyday in our life v meet different kind of people the rich,the poor, the needy.Every single person's life has a story Some stories can make ourselves feel low ,Some can just make us feel grateful for what we have.
Every single day in our life gives a lot chances to do something which can make someone feel good
From a single smile to 100's of other good things
In this hot climate if u can keep a bowl of water outside ur window for those tiny birds ; If u feel like showing ur snack box to the akka who clean ur room n ask her to take something
While getting bottle of cold water from coffee shop n running towards lecture hall if u feel like asking the security if he wants water
After finishing the case taking if u feel like helping the poor patient
Don't think just do it smile emoticon
At times simple things v do can bring lots of change in someone's life...Don't wait for opportunities or occasions just do things when u feel like